Living My Passion

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” — Joseph Campbell

Before I was a teacher, I was a student like many of you.

Not long ago I was asked by one of my students why I like to teach. It’s not the first time I’ve been asked this question. In fact, it comes up from time to time, but for me, my answer is always the same:

I teach because I love it.

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suzanne sarto

I’m willing to stretch beyond my comfort zone and expand. Are you?
Being a business owner and wearing all the hats that come along with that, such as teacher, trainer, mentor, friend, community leader, and boss, comes with a constant and daily lesson in humility and grace (and sometimes that means finding grace where there is none).

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suzanne sarto
Resetting Resolutions

How are your New Year’s resolutions working out for you?
Many people look forward to the New Year and for many different reasons. For some it’s a time to get rid of old habits and start new ones. For others, it’s the beginning of 365 days, which is sufficient time to accomplish new goals. Some people just had enough of the old year, and believe the New Year will be better. And others simply join the bandwagon because it’s a popular time to set resolutions.

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suzanne sarto
What Makes You Feel Safe?

What makes you feel safe?
Is it feeling supported and loved?
Is it living with an abundance of basic necessities like food, water and shelter?
Is it having knowledge of what is happening or what is going to happen around you?
Understanding what makes you feel safe may be very different than what makes someone else feel safe. Your answer is your truth, as we each have our own.

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suzanne sarto
Dipping Into The Well

Like many of you, I was looking forward to 2021 and the end of 2020.…and yet, I have found my energy resources low, strained and sometimes, completely gone. Settling into a New Year with the baggage from 2020 took a hard seat on my shoulders. I feel the full weight and gravity of what our community has been through, and what many of us are still struggling with.

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suzanne sarto
Focus On What Matters Most

“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” — Winston Churchill

Last year looked completely different than other years in so many ways. It’s probably safe to say that for many, 2020 was the quintessential balance of blessings and dumpster fire.

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suzanne sarto
Embrace 2021 with Sadhana

Let what comes come
Let what goes go
And find out what remains.
— Ramana Maharshi

For so many of us, 2020 has been a year like no other in our lifetime. As COVID sweeps through communities around the world, our generation has never faced anything like this before and continues to be paralyzed by its impact.

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suzanne sarto
Find your WHY

2020 has undoubtedly heightened our stresses, created new anxieties, and disrupted our routines. Many priorities have been forced on the back burner. Health and nutrition is no exception to this year’s rollercoaster ride!

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suzanne sarto
Back to our ROOTS

This pandemic has forced many of us to dial back, dial in, and reinvent a new “normal.”

It has us questioning what normal is.
It has us questioning what is important, what matters most, and who matters to us.
It has us questioning HOW we DO.

HOW do we ENGAGE with those things and people that matter in a way that brings us a state of peace?
HOW do we create a state of normal that allows us to EXHALE what we’ve been holding onto, and what is waiting?

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suzanne sarto
77 days. 11 weeks.

That’s how long our doors have been closed.
That’s how long the global pandemic started impacting those living in Sonoma County.
That’s how long most of us have been on pause.

We may not be making money right now. We may be watching our bills pile up with no apparent relief. We may have had to forgo graduations, birthday parties or other celebrations that matter. We may have had to cancel vacations and other travel plans.

The truth is your life is NOT on hold.

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suzanne sarto
April brings showers and May brings flowers…

“May we never forget the crippled, wind-beaten trees, how they, too, bud, green and bloom. May we, too, take courage to bloom where we are planted.” —Br. David Steindl-Rast

April brings showers and May brings flowers…

This April definitely brought showers. Sometimes I think about this past April, and wonder, what IS blooming from all of this, and what WILL grow from all of this?

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2020, Maysuzanne sarto2020, May
Practice…I may not know the answers but the questions make sense…

We talk a lot in yoga about “the practice” of yoga. How yoga is not a destination but a journey.

A journey with no arrival but instead, a constant unfolding of self.

Whether you’re a “yogi” or your favorite “practice” is Spin class, TRX, or Bootcamp, like me, you all have a practice. A practice of waking every day, getting your coffee, reading your email, going to work, picking up your kids, going to the gym.…

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We’re Live-Streaming All Our Classes! Details Below!

“A calm and healthy mind has a very positive effect on our physical health and well-being.” —Dalai Lama

These days it seems like each day is crazier than the one before it. Now, more than ever we need to practice resilience and focus on what we can do to maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

From our end, we are rising to the challenge and are setting up online classes using Instabook. We are starting with body-weight centered Bootcamp, Pilates mat classes, and Yoga. Check the class schedule for classes being offered Virtually.

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Each drop of water makes the river what it is…

...and yet, if one drop of water is missing from the river, does it really matter?

Think of your life as a river. In that river, each practice on and off the mat—each asana, each seated meditation, each recitation of a mantra, each Pranayama practice, each decision to show up for class, or not show up to class, each conscious encounter with another is a drop.

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Setting Goals is an Ongoing Practice of Beginning Again and Again and Again

All my best-laid plans…

For all of the goals I have set, the intentions I have made over the years, not all have been achieved. Time becomes the great equalizer. It has taught me that without commitment to myself, there is no goal or intention that can be achieved. And even with commitment, it’s time and and the business that invites me to begin again and again.

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2020, Marchsuzanne sarto2020, March
Finding Your True North

“...I’ve learned that loving yourself requires a courage unlike any other. It requires us to believe in and stay loyal to something no one else can see that keeps us in the world–our own self-worth....”
—Mark Nepo

Love is a verb. An action. What will you do this month to love yourself and continue to build your foundation, your true north?

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