Practice…I may not know the answers but the questions make sense…

We talk a lot in yoga about “the practice” of yoga. How yoga is not a destination but a journey.  

A journey with no arrival but instead, a constant unfolding of self. 

Whether you’re a “yogi” or your favorite “practice” is Spin class, TRX, or Bootcamp, like me, you all have a practice. A practice of waking every day, getting your coffee, reading your email, going to work, picking up your kids, going to the gym…a practice that makes up the rhythm of your daily life. And within that daily Practice is the larger picture that holds your future plans and goals…a destination that makes what we do on a daily basis “worth it.”

My daily “practice” for over two decades has been to show up with YOU. I get to show up everyday for Inspired Fitness…through all the ups and downs of being a business owner, fires, floods, more fires and now this…this Virus that has spread, like the fires and the floods, combines forces with the Universe to tell us all to sit down, step back and take notice of our lives like we have never before…

Viruses have been around since the dawn of time. And like fires and floods, viruses do not care about global economics, individual interests, goals, expectations or lives. They simply are.

So how do we continue our practice of living our lives when the pillars that hold us in have come to a startling halt?

As our lives are suspended, our plans canceled, as school trips, graduations and work is interrupted, evolves and takes on a new meaning, I repeat my mantra and ask these questions:

How can I show up to life as it is TODAY?
How can I support my community?
How can I be present in the mystery and unknown of it all?

Inspired Fitness has great appreciation for being able to show up for YOU, our Inspired Community in every way we can with the tools available to us.

Do what you can, with what you have when you have it.
Let go of how it’s supposed to look and feel and embrace what IS

Inspired Fitness is springing Into April with you into your living rooms, offices, garages, closets and wherever your ZOOM takes you. We have a full virtual class schedule and special packages for you this Spring. 

Can’t wait to show up with you on ZOOM.

In Health,
Jennifer Fujii
Inspired Fitness Training Center, Founder & Owner

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