Each drop of water makes the river what it is…


...and yet, if one drop of water is missing from the river, does it really matter?

Think of your life as a river. In that river, each practice on and off the mat—each asana, each seated meditation, each recitation of a mantra, each Pranayama practice, each decision to show up for class, or not show up to class, each conscious encounter with another is a drop.

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This metaphor connects me to my greater purpose whenever it feels utterly silly or tremendously difficult to wake up early, or to pause in the midst of a very hectic day, and “do” the practice. After all, a river with one less drop in it, what difference would it make?

Well, it’s ultimately a less potent body of water.

But here’s the thing: Every being who comes across our path in this practice also becomes a drop in our life-river. Every practice you show up or don’t show up for, either feeds the stream or depletes it. Every class, every immersion, every workshop we offer is a drop. So this river of Inspired Fitness and the Inspired Community is continually growing as we collectively create a fierce flow together, as we twist and turn our way through this crazy path called life, supporting each other, holding witness to each other, with compassion, growing together in the practice of supporting our river and helping others navigate the ebb and flow of it all.

Inspired Fitness has been my home river for the past 15 years. Every day, I’m filled with gratitude for the honor it is to show up and cultivate our branching waterways of our Inspired Community, as we continue to grow our Pilates, Yoga, Personal Training and Strength programs. 

I’m constantly in awe of the force and strength of this river we’ve cultivated together.

Weather this spring has you swimming upstream or down, I along with the Inspired Team is here to swim, float or wade though the waters with you. For the tides will turn, the waves will come, we are here through the ebbs and flows of your river.

 In Health,
Jennifer Fujii
Inspired Fitness Training Center, Founder & Owner