77 days. 11 weeks.

That’s how long our doors have been closed.
That’s how long the global pandemic started impacting those living in Sonoma County.
That’s how long most of us have been on pause.

We may not be making money right now. We may be watching our bills pile up with no apparent relief. We may have had to forgo graduations, birthday parties or other celebrations that matter. We may have had to cancel vacations and other travel plans.

 The truth is your life is NOT on hold.

 The river carries on, and we are still living.

And this, now more than ever, can be experienced as the greatest gift. 

I’m here. You’re here. What we do during this time matters as much as every moment that preceded today and as much as every moment “after this” will matter. What we do NOW is our PRESENT and will make our future what it will be.

 Each day, week, each month of this pandemic and isolation is a part of your life’s story. 

 The collective sense is that the “pause button” has been pressed because we’re outside of our habitual patterns and pillars  outside of our typical states of doing, achieving in how we gauge our meaningfulness based on how we express ourselves in the world.

 Well, it’s just not so. 

 It’s up to us to “un-pause” our minds, hearts and souls and let life keep playing out, moment by moment. I DARE you to keep moving forward.

I dare you to choose. 
I dare you to act. 
Living, choosing and making it what you need it to be. Don’t wait. Don’t hope for it. DO IT. 
I dare you. 

This time is as potent as any other. I’m challenging myself — and I’m inviting you — to remember that this isn’t a time for waiting. It’s a time for complete presence. 

 I challenge you to make the next 21 days count. 
Add purpose.
Add movement.
Add soul.

 What can you do in 21 days?
What will you do?

Jennifer Fujii
Inspired Fitness Training Center, Founder & Owner

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