Find your WHY

2020 has undoubtedly heightened our stresses, created new anxieties, and disrupted our routines. Many priorities have been forced on the back burner. Health and nutrition is no exception to this year’s rollercoaster ride!

Maybe you’re working full time and distance learning with your little ones, or maybe you’re living alone experiencing social isolation. Whatever you are going through, know you aren’t alone and we’re all redefining what health and wellness means to us in this crazy year.

Although so much remains out of our control, there is one thing we can practice: mindfulness.

While you may equate mindfulness with a yoga or meditation practice, cultivating mindfulness of your health creates connection with your internal motivators. It deepens your awareness to your goals and ultimately, connects you to your why.

Wellness is the culmination of nutrition, movement, stress management, quality sleep, and social connection. However this year has affected you, I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on your why. Oftentimes when we recognize change is imminent, the decision to change is rooted in our unwillingness to accept our norm, new or old. Having goals is a great way to drive progress forward but you are likely seeking something beyond your surface level intention.

If weight loss is your goal, ask yourself, why do you want to lose weight? What doors will that open up? If your goal is to eat healthier, ask yourself how you want to feel on a daily basis. How will achieving this goal affect your life?

You will find that your goals are connected to something deeper.

Returning to your why during the trials and tribulations will help keep you aligned with your goals. Remain open to shifting or tweaking your goals so that you can stay connected to why you want to live a healthy lifestyle.

And if there’s any nutrition advice I can leave you with, it’s don’t skip breakfast, fill your plate with the colors of the rainbow, and drink lots of water.

What’s your WHY?

 Brenna Howsepian
Registered Dietitian

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