Meet Alison

FUN FACT:  She is mama to two rescue cats (Luna and Lovebug)

How has being part of Inspired Fitness helped you reach your goals? 

Inspired Fitness classes are workouts that I always look forward to and never dread. Especially when working from home, it's a fantastic outlet for community and fitness. This keeps me coming back and sticking to my workout program. While I tend to prefer cardio and higher intensity, it's also great to have the option of yoga or Pilates for lower-impact, soul nourishing vibes. Thank you for being one of the best parts of my move to West County in the last 9 months!

Why do you love Inspired Fitness? 

The community is amazing: it’s welcoming, fun, and super inclusive. Whenever I do a class, I leave feeling so much better than I started. The teachers, music and vibes are so positive. In particular, the Bootcamp, Spin Combo, and TRX classes are my jam. I look forward to seeing all the familiar faces at the front desk / in class and the tough love from the teachers! I particularly appreciate that the gym is down to earth and "come as you are" – it never feels competitive or pretentious and I give Jenn and the staff so much credit for this. Truly has a family feel, and now with the juice bar, I can get my celery as well!